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high-quality API
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13 June, 2023

What makes up a high-quality API
byNikita SolodkovinAPIs

Discover key characteristics of high-quality APIs for seamless integration and enhanced application functionality.


12 May, 2023

8 Java Programming Tricks; Unlocking developer-led growth and How to Build a Fast and Lightweight API

In this Newsletter, you will find Java tricks you should know about, build lightweight APIs with NodeJS and learn the difference between Agile-VS-Scrum, the terms often used interchangeably in modern Software Product Lifecycle.

protecting APIs

04 April, 2023

Protecting APIs by Merging Tools and Security Best Practices

Rapid uptake in adoption by industries ranging from banking to retail to autonomous vehicles of customer- and partner-facing and internal application programming interfaces (APIs) to drive internet traffic has resulted in an equally rapid growth in endpoint attacks – more than 11 billion over just 18 months according to a report from edge computing security leader Akamai. It makes sense that they are more vulnerable to threats from malicious actors, given API endpoints’ similarity to internet-facing web servers, and their role as pipelines between divergent platforms.


04 April, 2023

Taking a Proactive, Governance-Based Approach to API Security

Security breaches are among the greatest threats confronting enterprises today, and application programming interface (API) abuse is typically central to the attacks. For that reason, API governance is critical to the success of any digital business.


01 December, 2016

Do-it-yourself NLP versus wit, LUIS, or api.ai

Foursquare has already done the hard work of finding matching restaurants, so the trickiest part of building this MVP is finding a way to generate structured data from natural language. The great thing about tools like wit, LUIS, and api.ai is that they make this part so easy that you can build an MVP like the above in an afternoon. In our experience, 3rd party tools are an excellent way to build quick prototypes. You could just as quickly build a bot to find videos with the YouTube API, or products from Product Hunt.

razer fund gaming startups

12 October, 2016

Oculus previews a new untethered VR headset

Oculus previews a new untethered headset, Cyanogen shifts business strategy to a modular OS program and online furniture store Wayfair releases its first API.

razer fund gaming startups

28 September, 2016

Google planning hybrid Android/Chrome OS tablets

In this edition Google is reportedly planning hybrid devices that run both Android and Chrome, game developers boycott Oculus due to its founder’s support for Donald Trump and Google takes its Daydream SDK out of beta.

google announces

21 September, 2016

Angular team announces final release of version 2.0

In this edition, Angular team announces the release of Android Studio 2.2, Oracle confirms rumours of a Java EE 8 delay and Microsoft has been crowned the new king when it comes to open source contributors.

razer fund gaming startups

15 September, 2016

News round up – Razer launches new fund for VR & gaming start-ups

In this week’s news roundup. In this edition, Blackstorm raises $33.5m for a ‘post-app store”, Razer launches a new fund for VR and gaming start-ups and Kony releases a new survey on the challenges of wearable development.


23 March, 2015

API Management tools: How to find the one for you

API management is an important piece of the API Strategy puzzle. The existing solutions vary greatly both in features and technical implementation. There is no one size fits all – best choice depends on the requirements of your organization. Let’s attempt to scratch the surface of API Management.

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