
Research Programs


Code of Conduct

The Developer Nation community Code-of-Conduct (CoC) is applicable to all the events virtual or physical and community platforms including but not limited to workshops, meetups, meet and greets, conferences, instant-messaging platforms, mailing list etc.


We want to ensure that all community members have an enjoyable knowledge sharing and networking experience. Therefore, it is our commitment to create and maintain a safe and ethical environment within all community activities and platforms. We ask all the participants and our community members to cooperate and act in accordance with the community guidelines. Misconduct will not be tolerated and may result in ban from all community platforms and events. Please report any misconduct to the community admins via direct message or send your feedback to community@developernation.net

  • Respect all members
  • Add value to the community
  • Create a welcoming environment

Pledge for all members

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our community, projects, events and our meetups in virtual and physical locations/venues, a harassment-free experience for everyone. Regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

Standards for the Community

Diversity is what makes us all shine our brightest. All are welcome, none left out.

Examples of behaviour that contribute to create a positive environment include:

  • Using welcoming and inclusive language and being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
  • Gracefully accepting constructive criticism and focusing on what is best for the community
  • Showing empathy towards other community members
  • Respecting people's time and privacy and not DMing anyone on official online forums without prior permission
  • Not intervening speakers during meetups with the intention of mocking
  • Using and promotion use of gender neutral pronouns (Refer http://heyguys.cc)

Examples of unacceptable behaviour by participants include:

  • Use of sexualised language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
  • Use of sexist or racist comments, discrimination or encouragement ofm exclusions
  • Public or private harassment i.e. trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, mocking, abrupt language and personal/political attack in events and official forums
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
  • Reaching out to individual directly or as a community representative without prior permission in/out of official group
  • Vandalising venues/ Stealing of personal property or using it without permission
  • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

Responsibilities as an Organiser and Volunteer

Developer Nation organisers and volunteers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behaviour and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behaviour.

For community events, projects, project maintainers have the rights and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviours that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

In case of CoC violation during any event or gathering, the organiser can ask the personnel to immediately leave the event and failure to comply may result in involving the legal bodies of that area, it is the duty of the organisers and volunteers to keep the identity of personnel reporting the incident as discrete.

Scope of this Community

This Code of Conduct applies to all community spaces, online forums and in physical public events when an individual is representing the community in any form.

Examples of representing the community include : using an official community name, logo, address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.

Representation of the community may be further defined and clarified by the community leads.


Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behaviour may be reported by contacting the organisers and volunteers on telegram group or by emailing at : community@developernation.net

All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.

Event organisers and project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership.

All members joining community events, online forums adhere to the CoC and the safety disclaimers implicitly.

We value your participation and contribution to the Developer Nation community.


This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4

Referral Program Terms & Conditions 

General Information

These Referral Program Terms and Conditions govern your participation in the Developer Nation Referral Program . The Program Rules are in addition to any agreements between you and SlashData, The Terms and Conditions are incorporated by reference and shall apply to your participation in the Developer Nation Referral Program, including, if necessary, to resolve any disputes between you and SlashData related to or arising out of the Referral Program.

  1. The Developer Nation survey  is owned and managed by SlashData Ltd, hereby identified as “Promoter”. Our Referral Programs throughout the year alongside our  surveys, hereby identified as “Survey” . The Referral process starts on our Survey launch dates and ends on the Survey end dates as specified on the specific survey terms and conditions. Final dates are liable to change without notice. 
  2. Winners are determined by the total number of valid Referrals by the completion of the Survey (participants will be notified within 4 weeks after the survey end date, to accommodate the time the Promoter needs for data cleansing). 
  3. Each participant can win only one of the available Referral Program Prizes. By submitting your personal information you are agreeing to the Terms listed on this page. The referral process is not in any way linked to the  Survey Prize draws. Referral Prizes are independent of any other Survey Prize draws. A Referral Prize winner is eligible to also enter the Survey Prize Draws in accordance with the specific survey terms and conditions.

Referral definitions

  1. A Referral is defined as a successful completion of either Survey by a person other than the participant making the referral (the “Referrer”), via the custom link provided to the participants through the Referral Program process. Each time a referred prospect completes a Survey, the number of Referrals will be increased by one. For each Referrer, the number of Referrals increases only by valid survey completions via the Referrer’s unique custom link and not any other links, such as the survey link the Referrer found the survey in or the link he/she received when he saved his/her progress while taking either Survey himself/herself. 
  2. Only referred prospects who are involved in software development qualify as Referrals and any referred prospects who fail to meet this criteria will be removed from the survey prior to completion, and are not counted as Referrals.  If a  referred prospect violates the Referral Program Terms and Conditions or any applicable Survey Terms and Conditions, the Promoter may suspend or terminate the referred prospects’ ability to participate in the Referral Program under any or all of your accounts. 
  3. Referrals are not valid where the referred prospect and the referring party are one and the same person or where the Referrer uses any means of automatically filling Survey forms to generate Referrals. Whenever such behaviour is identified from the Promoter’s security processes then the Referrer will be banned from the Referral Program and s/he will not be eligible to win any of the available Prizes.
  4. In the event that a Referral is submitted twice (using the same email or other identifying characteristic) from different Referees, the first Referrer will be credited with the Referral.
  5. In the event of the participant sharing the same number of Referrals at the end of the Survey, the participant who registered first will be the one eligible for that particular Prize.
  6. The participant must refer a minimum of ten survey completions  to qualify for a prize.

Referral Process

  1. The Referral process is initiated when participants create a user account on the surveys (complete Sign up), enter either survey with their account (Sign in), take  the survey, and are invited to participate.
  2. The referrer will be provided with Referral promotional material and a unique personal identification link, which can be used to promote the survey to prospective referrals. The exact time and date of prospective referral submissions will also be recorded. Referrers’ country will also be determined using their IP address or from the data that a user inputs into the field "country" when they sign up to join the program.
  3. Under the Referral Program, the Promoter will provide you with a unique URL to distribute to eligible individuals to become new referral prospects. SlashData owns all rights in and to any unique URLs and referral promotional material provided to you. 
  4. If you choose to unsubscribe from the community newsletters, the promoter still claims the right to contact you regarding the Referral Program, the Referral Prizes, and Prize Draw.
  5. You acknowledge and agree that: (a) you have no ownership rights in any form over the referral promotional material, and (b) SlashData may reclaim, deactivate, invalidate, or terminate the unique URLs and referral promotional material at any time at its discretion.
  6. The Referrer may use their custom link in any medium (social, email, print, etc). No referrals will be credited to the Referrer if referrals are made through an edited link. Referrers are encouraged to continue to promote throughout the duration of the Survey. 
  7. Inclusion in the top Referrers list at any time other than the surveys close does not guarantee a Prize, since the list of top Referrers may constantly change as participants generate new referrals, and quality and cleansing checks are performed after the surveys closing date.
  8. Participants may find information on the Prizes and referral process via Referral emails.


Top Referrers who pass our post-Survey quality checks and cleansing, with a minimum of ten valid Referrals will be awarded a sum of money. The Promoter will award the amounts using a third-party service based on your preference (Amazon Gift card, TransferWise, Chimoney, prepaid Visa cards or other) and is not responsible for the delivery process. If none of these options are suitable for the winner, the Promoter will get in touch with the winner via email and arrange an alternative method. 

  1. Each Prize winner can receive his/her prize by entering valid details required by the third-party service, when s/he is asked to do so. Should a Prize winner be unable to create an account due to restrictions in their country, The Promoter will provide the equivalent sum of money in some form accepted in their country. 
  2. The Promoter is not responsible for the failure to deliver a gift card due to any circumstances outside of our control (for example, if someone other than the Entrant  accesses the email account of that individual).
  3. Any service transaction fees directly incurred by the Promoter will be borne by the Promoter.
  4. Individual emails will be sent to winners giving them 5 working days to claim their Prize.
  5. Winners will be notified via email on how to receive their Prize within 30 working days of the Survey completion.
  6. If a winner doesn’t respond back within 5 working days after receiving their winner’s email, they will not be able to claim their prize and the promoter has the right to reach out to the runner up.
  7. At least 30 working days from the date of the acceptance of the Prize by the Entrant should be allowed for the delivery of the Prize.

Reservation of Rights

SlashData reserves the right to withhold or deduct Referral Prizes obtained through the Referral Program in the event that SlashData determines or believes that the receipt of the Referral Prize was in error, fraudulent, illegal, or in violation of these Referral Program Terms and Conditions or any other applicable agreement between you and the Promoter.


In connection with the Referrer’s participation in the Referral Program, the Referrer expressly agrees to the restrictions listed below. When distributing, promoting, or communicating referral URLs and referral promo material the Referrer agrees that:

No spamming. The Referrer agrees not to “spam” anyone with invitations to join the Developer Nation  community and/or Survey , and at all times to remain compliant with CAN-SPAM, TCPA, and other applicable laws. The following specific activities are prohibited:

  1. Mass emailing, texting or messaging people you do not personally know;
  2. Use of automated systems or bots through any channel to distribute or post your unique URL referral links;
  3. Use of scripts, programmed, or automatic dialers to send invites or to communicate URL referral links; and
  4. Posting referral promotional material on event or venue pages without express permission from the Promoter.

No Misrepresentations. The Referrer agrees not to attempt to mislead anyone in connection with the Referral Program, either by affirmative representation, implication, or omission. In particular, the Referrer agrees not to:

  1. Impersonate any person or entity
  2. Create fake accounts, blogs, webpages, profiles, websites, links, or messages
  3. Misrepresent their relationship with SlashData or any other third party (Don’t create content or communications that could have the effect of leading the prospective referrals to believe that it is an official communication from SlashData.)
  4. Suggest that an affiliation or partnership exists with a third party where none exists.
  5. Make misrepresentations with respect to the characteristics or qualification requirements for any referral rewards. The Referrer acknowledges that the Promoter may change the characteristics or qualification requirements for referral rewards in its discretion, and therefore the Referrer shall not represent any fixed characteristics (e.g., amount of Referral Prizes, expiration date).

Prohibited content. The Referrer agrees not to use the SlashData or Developer Nation brands in connection with:

  1. Disparaging or defamatory content concerning SlashData, Developer Nation  Community or third parties;
  2. Content that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred, discrimination, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
  3. Offensive, abusive, intimidating, or harassing content
  4. Content that is sexually explicit, obscene, and/or contains nudity
  5. Any political and/or religious statement;
  6. Content containing images or references to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, or firearms
  7. Content that violates someone else’s privacy
  8. Solicit passwords or personally identifiable information
  9. Sell Referral user accounts. The Referrer agrees to only distribute the unique URL and referral promo material free of charge only for promotional purposes. The Referrer may not sell, trade, or barter it under any circumstances. The Referrer may not pay or provide anything of value to an invited prospected referral beyond any referral credit or collateral supplied by the Promoter.
  10. Engage in fraudulent activity. The Referrer agrees not to defraud or abuse (or attempt to defraud or abuse) the Promoter, the Referral Program Terms and Conditions, or any invited users.

If the Referrer violates any of these restrictions the Promoter may, at its discretion, remove the Referrer’s eligibility to participate in the Referral Program, and/or deny any Referral Prizes earned in violation or suspected violation of these restrictions, in addition they will not be communicated with in the future.  

Contact us

SlashData, 19-21 Hatton Gardens,

London, EC1N 8BA, United Kingdom,

+44 845 003 8742, +44 845 003 8787


Contact us

Swan Buildings (1st floor)20 Swan StreetManchester, M4 5JW+441612400603community@developernation.net
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