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Recent Posts of Stijn Schuermans

programming languages
javascriptlanguagesprogramming languagespythonruby

27 June, 2019

JavaScript remains the Queen of Programming Languages
byStijn SchuermansinLanguages

JavaScript is and remains the queen of programming languages. Its community of 11.7M developers is the largest of all languages. In 2018, 2.5M developers joined the community: the highest growth in absolute numbers and more than the entire population of Swift, Ruby, or Kotlin developers, amongst others.

largest developer community

14 January, 2019

The largest developer community: a critical view

When developers evaluate new technologies, one of the elements they often look at is the size and strength of the community surrounding that technology. “Can I get help and support from peers when needed?” It’s one of the reasons why open source technologies tend to be so popular. Conversely, technology vendors regularly signal their virtue with community numbers: “Our product is used by millions of developers, choose us!”

tools iot

19 May, 2017

What types of tools are IoT developers actually using?

IoT platforms were on the cusp of reaching the peak of inflated expectations in Gartner’s Hype Cycle from August 2016. Not surprisingly – there are literally hundreds of them, and counting. Also, the word ‘platform’ is used for anything, from network infrastructure to hardware components to cloud services. In the end, IoT owes its boom in popularity to more and better tools becoming available for developers. In this article, we shed some light on the types of tools that IoT developers are actually using.

developer pay check

12 May, 2017

How can developers improve their paycheck.

As a software developer, what is the most lucrative opportunity you could be working on? This is a very relevant question to ask. Software skills are generally scarce and good developers are highly coveted. Furthermore, developers are mobile, in the sense that the nature of their trade allows them to work from remote locations quite easily and marketplaces for their services are well established. So which project should you pick?

best practices for a successful IoT developer program

15 February, 2016

Best Practices for a successful IoT Developer Program

Events and training programs are a main component in many developer programs for IoT – but just how effective are they? This infographic sheds some light into the effectiveness of training and events, based on our Best Practices for IoT Developer Programs report.

open source

02 September, 2015

Developers: builders or explorers?

What do you think about when you hear the word “software developer”? Most people probably imagine a duffy engineer, turning his boss’s requirements into code. A software builder, so to speak.


23 March, 2015

API Management tools: How to find the one for you

API management is an important piece of the API Strategy puzzle. The existing solutions vary greatly both in features and technical implementation. There is no one size fits all – best choice depends on the requirements of your organization. Let’s attempt to scratch the surface of API Management.


09 December, 2014

4 + 2 tools for a happy multi-cloud developer

It is exciting to be a developer these days. You’re the talk of the town and everyone looks for ways to make you happy, competing to create new tools or new services just for you. Developing a great app in such a mesh of services shouldn’t be an issue. Still, this often proves to be […]


18 September, 2014

The 3 key Apple Watch features that nobody talks about. Yet.

If Apple wants to create a new, large product category out of smart watches, it must empower developers to discover new uses.


06 August, 2014

Agile tools for the Samurai Coder

Scrum, Kanban, XP, pair programming, Agile, we have all heard these terms. The question is can you use the agile way while working on your own? Here’s a simple way to start and three tools to help you change the way you do things.

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