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July 19, 2024

How to Leverage Software Development Lifecycle Diagram
byDiana NechitainCommunity

Whether for the commercial or games market, software development is a complicated process. With over 26.3 million developers around the world, there are many tried and proven methods that can help make the development process easier. One main methodology is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which allows development teams to make high-quality software in the quickest time possible. 

As with any proven process, following the various steps can help people avoid mistakes that could delay deployment or create errors in the software. One helping hand that can be useful with the SDLC is the Software Development Lifecycle Diagram (SDLD). Just what are the SDLC and SDLD? And how can using them help ensure that your software is deployed on time and of the highest quality?

What is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

As mentioned, the SDLC is a methodology with well-defined processes that allows developers and DevOps teams to create quality software (usually within a short timeframe). To make things easier for developers, the SDLC breaks the development process into six main phases:

  • Requirement analysis.
  • Planning phase.
  • Software design incorporating features like architectural design.
  • Software development.
  • Testing.
  • Deployment.

As well as the six phases outlined above, there are various SDLC models such as the waterfall model, spiral model, iterative model, or the agile model. Developers will utilize different models according to their needs and the type of software they are developing. For example, the model used to develop software for a hosted VoIP service might be different from that used for inventory management software. 

In cases like eCommerce platforms, incorporating eCommerce analytics into the development process can enhance user experience and provide valuable business insights. This flexibility allows developers to choose the most effective approach for the specific requirements of their project.

What is a Software Development Lifecycle Diagram?

A software development lifecycle diagram is simply a pictorial representation of the particular SDLC that may apply to the software you are developing. It breaks the cycle down into the steps you need to take to successfully develop a product and can act as a checklist; complete one step before moving on to the next. 

The stages of your SDLC/SDLD

If you’re developing a new piece of software, there are many things to consider before you even move to designing and coding it. Is the software standalone or will it be added to a suite of existing applications? If so, does it need to fit with an application portfolio management APM system that’s already in place? 

Your starting point is always going to be purpose. What will the software be used for and what are the users’ requirements?

1. Analyze user requirements

Before you even start planning the software, you need to understand what it’s for and what features it needs to have. Is it to solve problems or fulfill wants? You need to get input from all relevant stakeholders and that can include everyone from customers to programmers.

For example, a business may be migrating legacy applications and some of the apps or software may not be compatible with the new system. You will need to be aware of any improvements that need to be made as well as any security risks the software may face. 

2. Planning

Once you know what is required from the software in the previous phase, you can move to creating a detailed plan. In this step, your DevOps team is going to look at various factors such as cost estimates for developing the software and what resources will be required. 

One major consideration at this stage is security. What sort of data will the software be handling, are there any regulatory requirements such as the CCPA, and what vulnerabilities may exist? 

In this stage, it is also crucial to consider the database concepts that will underpin the software, ensuring data integrity, scalability, and performance meet the anticipated needs.

A comprehensive security assessment should be conducted to identify and mitigate potential security risks before proceeding further in the development process. You need to be sure that every base is covered in the planning stage to prevent issues from arising later. 

3. Design phase

Now that you know that the plan is feasible and what resources are needed, you can start designing the software. You should be letting all stakeholders review your design specification to ensure it’s ticking all their boxes and so that they can give you feedback and offer any suggestions as to changes that may be needed. 

It’s essential that you have this feedback – and that you listen to it – as failure to do so could lead to exceeding planned costs or even project failure. If a stakeholder identifies that you are missing something from lead enrichment software, for example, not taking that feedback on board and rectifying any omission could mean the project is doomed. 

Ensuring all necessary features and functionalities are included and aligned with stakeholder requirements is critical for the success of the project.

4. Build it and they shall come

You have a roadmap of the software you are developing so can now move on to the actual building of the product. If your DevOps team is working from the same location, it should be fairly easy to stick to the blueprint and follow any guidelines you have established. If some of the team are working remotely, then you will need to ensure you have good communication tools that will foster collaboration

You will need to establish guidelines as to what code style you will use and what practices to follow. Have a set (or variable) naming practice for your files so that every member of your team can write code that is consistent and well-organized and will be easier for you to test during the next stage. 

5. Testing one two

Before you even think about deployment, you need to be sure that everything works as intended. Testing at this stage should also be looking for any defects and any potential security vulnerabilities as well as integration testing. You may operate a test-driven environment and do all your testing in-house or, especially for larger projects, you may choose to have external beta testers.

There are various types of beta testing that can allow you to focus on special features such as headless CMS or test the product’s overall functionality. Testing different aspects of your software is essential as identifying and fixing any problems prior to deployment can save a lot of headaches later. 

6. Ready, steady, go

Once the testing process is complete – and any problems rectified – you’re ready to deploy the software. During the deployment phase, utilizing a cloud computer can be crucial for ensuring the scalability and reliability of the software. This allows for seamless access by end users from various locations, enhancing the overall deployment strategy and user experience

This could be to consumers as a purchasable software product or as part of the apps supporting a business capabilities model. Even with the most rigorous testing, your DevOps team should be monitoring use and any feedback that comes from end users as to whether the product met customer expectations or not. 

The thing to remember here is that while testing may have a small pool of testers, actual deployment will have a pool of thousands of users if not more. In an ideal scenario, your software will be deployed with no problems but the reality is that you will probably expect some issues that are hopefully only minor ones. 

Software development lifecycle security

Security is always going to be a primary concern when developing and deploying software. You need to be aware of the answers to several questions such as ‘What sort of data will the software be handling’ or ‘What is enterprise architecture management and what role will the software play in it?’

With SDLC, and your SDLD, security should not be seen as a separate stage but as an integral part of the process that is involved in every stage through DevSecOps practices. This methodology assesses security throughout the development process and looks at how secure the various features of the software are and how well it can stand up to potential threats once deployed.

These assessments can include tasks such as analysis of the architecture, automated detection, penetration testing, and code review. Your assessments should be part of the integrated development environment (IDE), servers used for the build, and code repositories. You should be looking to integrate DevSecOps into your SDLC in the following ways:

  • Planning analysis: In this stage, you should be identifying any security needs, mitigation plans, and potential threats the software may face.
  • Design. During the design stage, think about what features will meet your security needs. You could utilize threat modeling and a risk analysis of your planned architecture. You could also consider features such as encryption mechanisms and access control. 
  • Development and testing. You should be carrying out code reviews to ensure that any code meets your standards and that the security measures are implemented. During the testing phase, carry out tests such as penetration testing to identify any vulnerabilities. 
  • Deployment. There are automated DevSecOps tools that can help ensure and improve app security. You should also be looking at other factors such as access controls, firewalls, and security settings. 
  • Maintenance. Cybercriminals are constantly looking for new ways to infiltrate software and systems. Cybersecurity experts need to be just as proactive in finding ways to stop attacks. If any new risks or vulnerabilities arise, have your team look at any required updates or patches. 

The takeaway

Every software project is important, whether it’s for a gaming app or a commercial application. Both simple and complex projects should follow the SDLC and SDLD process. Your end goal is always customer satisfaction and to avoid as many errors as possible, especially when it comes to security. 

Having a software development lifecycle diagram to guide you through every development project can ensure that you follow all required steps and adhere to the relevant best practices. You should always be aware of the most common errors and be aiming for consistency from all of your development team. Keep to the plan and you’ll have a quality product and happy customers. 


Diana Nechita – Director of Product Marketing

Diana is the Director of Product Marketing at Ardoq. Her passion lies in fostering a deep understanding of Ardoq’s value in delivering tangible results for organizations navigating the complexities of digital transformation. This is her LinkedIn.

lifecycle diagramsoftware development

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